Rwanda Wayfarer
Prescription Unavailable for Buy with Prime
This intricately patterned frame is made of high-quality materials, ensuring durability and longevity. These Wayfarers are perfect for those who want to add a touch of personality to their everyday look.
Ideal for: Square and heart shaped faces
Style: Oversized
Fit: Large
Lense: 53 mm
Bridge: 19 mm
Temple/Arm Length: 145 mm

The Rwanda Frame
These brow-line glasses bring out your strongest features by accenting cheekbones and jawline. This classic retro-inspired look is part of an iconic ever-green fashion staple.
We offer a variety of prescriptions and lenses
Prescription type
- Single-vision
- Progressives
- Readers
- Non-prescription
Lens type
- Classic
- Blue-light-filtering
- Polarized